Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Diva Challenge #244

 Diva Challenge #244
The challenge this week was to use Tripoli.  I didn't intend it to be but it turned out to be a monotangle.  I love this tangle - there are so many variations that present themselves.  Thanks Diva for your time and talent.  You are an inspiration to us all.  Happy Wednesday!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Zendala Dare #116

Zendala Dare #116
Having a sinus infection that leaves us dizzy gives you much time for getting in some much needed tangling .  It must be a "two fer" day.  Did the Diva Challenge earlier, not 1 but 2 tiles.  Then still feeling generally unwilling to move around, decided to do the Zendala dare for this week.  Again, not one but two.  I have to confess I did two because I wasn't crazy about the results first time around.  I used just 3 tangles on both Zendalas - Oke and Paradox on the first, Orbz and Paradox on the second.  After spending all that zen energy, I do feel a little better.  Happy Thursday! 

Diva Challenge #243

Diva Challenge #243
Leaving lots of white space is not an easy challenge.  My pen, so wants to fill the space.  Not one but two - think I like the 2nd one better.  For today, less may be better.  Thank you Diva for posting this challenge.  Sending you and your family many hugs!! 

Saturday, November 7, 2015

String thing # 117

It's a String Thing #117
Many thanks to Adele for her challenges every week.  The string was fun to use and I love her zentangle, Sand. 

Zendala Dare #115

 Zendala Dare  #115 at the Bright Owl
My second attempt at a Zendala and the first time I'm posting it to the challenge at the Bright Owl.
I have to admit a Zendala seemed like a huge challenge - I looked at the template for 2 days.
My thoughts - how can I possibly fill this template and have it not look incredibly busy.  Slept on it and took a new look and had an Ah-hah moment.  Sand cried out to me for the pointy spots.
The rest flowed from there.  Fun, challenging and found an incredible Zen space of time while I was letting the tangles flow onto the paper.  This challenge called for tangles starting with the letters T-H-A-N-K-S.  I used Sand, Sand Swirl, Tipple. Tearce and Taghpolz.  Thanks for putting this challenge out there.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Diva Challenge #242

This was a fun challenging tangle.  Thinking I want to work with this one a bit more - not real satisfied with the way my gourd's ended.  But since there are no mistakes in tangling,  I thought I would offer this one up for the challenge.  My thanks to you, Diva, for posting this challenge.  I especially love  that you share your family with us.  Enjoy every moment of your life - every one of them goes by in the blink of an eye - not to return again.  Happy Thursday!

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Diva challenge #241

Diva Challenge #241
Looking over my blog, it has been a while since my last post. I am surprised that I missed 3 challenges, since I am, for now, unemployed  and living the good life of applying for jobs, catching up on projects at home and just living in general.  I really enjoyed this challenge.  Thanks to the Diva, as always for her time.  I am delighted that Artoo is doing well and back to school.  Also, happy to know that there are Moms out there who are still at home occupied with the most important job in the world - raising our children.  I, also, was part of that small minority who are lucky enough to spend those challenging years at home.  Many thanks to my husband, who brought home the bacon during that time.  So on to the challenge -  I loved it  as I am a huge fan of rocks and stones in general. I have read up on cairns, long before this challenge, after encountering many of them on my trails through Boy Scouting and other hikes.  This is my offering for this challenge.  I am thrilled that I have completed it early in the week - That means I will have the pleasure of looking at everyone else's challenge tiles.  (I try not to look at other tiles until after  I have completed mine!)  Many thanks again to both Paula, guest blogger and Laura for sharing your life with us.  Carpe Diem!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Diva Challenge #238

Diva Challenge *238 - Tri-Bee
I just love organic tangles - love the way they grow and take on a life of their own.  Since I was released from my current contract,  I have a lot more time to tangle, so I'm hitting this challenge early on in the week.  I used just two tangles - Tri-Bee and Tropicana. We are having beautiful fall days here in Wisconsin - It's a great time to be alive!  Since I am accumulating so many tangle tiles, I decided this is a good time to start a journal-type tangle collection.  This is my first entry.  Thank you, Diva, for the challenge and your time.  Enjoy these colorful days before the snow flies.

Friday, October 2, 2015

Diva Challenge #237

Diva Challenge #237
I used one of my kid's Tupperware stencils for this.  Can you tell it's pumpkins?  This was a fun challenge.  I used a little salt with the watercolor - gave it a really nice texture.  It is a little hard to tell from this picture, though.  We have had some beautiful fall days here this week so I borrowed some of the colors from changing leaves.  It's my favorite time of year even though I know that soon, very soon, the snow will fly!  Happy Autumn. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Watercolor paper class!

I took a watercolor paper class yesterday with Karen Sandoval, CZT.  Had so much fun learning how to color my world. Learned a couple new tangles too. Inapod, Opus & Meringue. And I reignited my muse. Thanks Karen!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Diva challenge #235

Diva Challenge # 235
The Diva challenge was to use straight lines as a string.  I'm not the biggest fan of straight lines - not sure why, they just aren't my usual go to for strings or for tangles.  Since I haven't had very much time to tangle lately,  I accepted the challenge.  Here's my results.  As my own best (or worst) critic,  I debated on whether I'd post this.  And  then I thought about it - there's no mistakes and a tile should be unplanned, unexpected pleasant surprise.  This one sure is!  And happily, for a bit, while I was consumed with this process,  the funk I've been in lifted.  Reminder to me that the Universe is unfolding exactly as it should - best to let go and let it unfold!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Diva Challenge #233

The Diva Challenge #233
Welcome back, Diva and yes, you were missed.  Thanks for scheduling such wonderful guests during your summer.  I'm so glad the time was great for you.  Love seeing the photos of your family and hope all is as well as it appears.  For this week's challenge, I had a 6 by 6 tile floating around from some weeks back, already had a string on it and it jumped out to me when I was contemplating the Zenith challenge - Pick me, Pick me. So I did and lo and behold a monotangle emerged from that tile.  Wishing you and all of yours a happy return to the school year!  As is usual, in Wisconsin, the first day of school for kids in our neighborhood was uncommonly hot.    Cheers to a happy Autumn!

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Diva Challenge#232 Audio #1

Thank you Holly Atwater! I accepted your challenge and did the Audio #1.  It was wonderful.  Time flew and I hit that Zen space.  I will be doing the other Audio's as well, when I have the time to just be in the moment.  I loved, loved , loved this. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Diva Challenge #231

 The Diva Challenge, posted by guest blogger, Sharla Hicks,  Undulating tangles.  What a fun challenge.  Especially challenging for me, I tend to tangle in symmetry.  While I do very much admire and love the many free flowing tangles and try to let go to achieve that free and natural syle, I fear I am still a little too rigid.  Metaphor for my life, maybe?  Anyways, I truly tried to let go and let the muse take over.  Getting better - but still have a bunch of letting go to do.  Thanks for the challenge -  appreciate the way Zentangling releases me to live life. 

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Diva Challenge#230

Home again from a glorious week of camping at my favorite Scout camp.  Had a chance to check out last week's challenge but due to challenges raised by camping for a week with 22 scouts and a handful of parents needing to learn the ropes of stepping back, I only viewed results - no submissions from me. It was an awesome week and I did take some time every day to tangle in between rain, cooking on a campfire, fielding questions and making suggestions.  Love it, love it!  So, this is my very first Zendala - never been brave enough to try one yet.  Breaking in some new gel pens - loved it.  Thanks to Erin for being guest blogger and posting an awesome challenge! Carpe Diem!!

Friday, July 31, 2015

String Thing challenge #103

Happy Friday!!   It's especially happy - starting on a week of vacation.  A week off the phone queues, a week spent at my favorite place in the whole wide world, RS Lyle, Scout reservation.  Alittle bittersweet, though I have to admit.  After 50 and some odd years, our Council has decided to close this beloved camp.  It has been a beautiful place and home to me each summer for 15 years.  The thought of closing the gates for all time is a thought that is hard to bear.  I am grateful for the opportunities I have found there, the friends I have made, the glorious mornings of waking to the sounds of frogs and eagles.  If my soul chooses a place to linger when I leave this world, I know I will be walking those well worn paths.  That is life - grateful for the time spent - looking forward to other adventures.  Here's my rise to the challenge. Carpe Diem!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Diva Challenge #228

This Week's Diva Challenge is being guided by Cari Sultanik, CZT.  Thanks Cari for filling the Diva's shoes for the week.  I used a natural tile to tangle my rise to the challenge using nature-type tangles, Planateen, Hollibaugh, Soo Flowers and Flux (please forgive me if I slaughter the spelling - it's been a long day today and tangling was just what I needed) Thanks again Cari for your time and sharing.  We all need to convene with nature - It renews our souls!  Happy Wednesday!

Friday, July 24, 2015

Diva Challenge #227

Loved this challenge.  Life really is a circus - always something going on in one ring or the other and mostly, though, we think we are orchestrating those rings, we really are not.  So here's to the adventure of the circus and the adventure of life. Enjoy the ride - it's the journey that's important, not the destination!  

Friday, July 17, 2015

String Thing# 101

Love these String Thing challenges.  So great to have a string suggestion and new tangles to try.  Thanks, Adele for your challenge!  What a lovely way to share the fun that is Zentangle.  

Diva Challenge #226-again

So from my mind's eye to a tangle.  Thought I'd take another go at the challenge to go simple.  Monotangle - NZeppel.  And since I've been thinking about Matt and his exciting journey to Australia - the string came oh so naturally! Happy Travels, Matteo!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Diva Challenge#226

Greetings and thanks to the Diva's guest blogger, Katie Crommett, CZT.  Katie's challenge was to keep it simple.  As someone who tends to fill every inch of her tiles with patterns, this was indeed a challenge. I limited myself to 3 patterns, randomly picked.  Garlic cloves, Pepper and Chillon.  Tried my best to leave lots of white spaces - here's the end result.  Could have left more space.  Think I may give this challenge another go round later this week when I have less on my mind.  My mind's eye keeps picturing Australia - Sydney to be specific.   Never been there, but as my youngest should be landing there any time now for study abroad for the next 5 months.    I can't help but let my heart follow him there.  Hoping for the best, sending lots of good vibs and eagerly awaiting a message - Hey, Mom, I'm here safe and sound after 15 hour plane trip.  This one's for Matt. 
Thanks Diva, Katie for the diversion.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Diva Challege #225

Tangling in color...what a great challenge. It's much harder to shade and get movement in color...but so lively. This is my submission. Happy Wednesday to all!

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Diva Challenge #224

Great week so far! I had my first official Zentangle class this weekend. Great time & I finally figured out N'zeppel...thanks to Karen, CZT.  And then the bigger set of Intense pencils arrived as well. Holy moley! How sweet it is.

Friday, June 26, 2015

Diva Challenge #223

A busy week, as always.  With 2 of my adult kids home, still took some time to tangle.  Just got my bigger set of Inktense  pencils (36) can't wait to try them out.  Sadly, they came after this tile was completed, but no problem, I 'll break them open this weekend.  I'm so excited as well to be taking a official Zentangle basic class from a CZT that I found who lives within 20 minutes of me.  Taking the class tomorrow with my favorite daughter.  Truthfully, I have only 1 daughter and she's a gem.  Have to watch my progress !  Thanks Laura for all of your time and weekly challenges.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Diva Challenge #222

You asked for color - I give you color.  Gave me a chance to use my new jelly roll pen.  Loved this challenge.  Thanks for your time.  Have a wonderful day!

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Diva Challenge #221

Here's my beads of courage for Artoo.  Artoo, I don't even know you but I think if I did I would like you very much.  What challenges you have had in your short life.  A Greater Power than us knew this and surrounded you with loving friends and family.  Always walk on the sunny side of the street!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

It's a String Thing #94

Spending the weekend in Eau Claire with my kids. Found a little time to do the challenge. I really liked the string & the tangles. Practiced Nzippel like crazy, ,but still just can't get the hang of that one. I think that's my challenge....keep at it.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Diva Challenge #220

If only all my challenges this week were this enjoyable. It's been a heck of a ride!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Diva Challenge #219

Using all straight lines did not at first seem to be a problem.  Once I started tangling, I realized how much I use curved and rounded tangles.  I like the flow and freeness they lend to the tile.  So this was a toughie for me.  Here for your enjoyment is my answer to the challenge.   Thanks again for taking time out of your busy schedule to post these challenges.  It sounds as though Artoo and your family will be challenged to succeed in the upcoming school year.  Although I've never met you,  I believe that wonderful things will come your way as you travel your journey.   We are all pulling for you!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

It's a String Thing #93

Seems the only time I post is on Friday or Saturday.  I sent my response to It's A String Thing challenge.  It was indeed very challenging for  me.  All new tangles, which is always fun.  One of them, JJ, was a grid type tangle and as I was practicing I just seemed to keep getting lost in the pattern.  Feels kind of like my life feels sometimes - I tend to get lost in the little details and sometimes lose sight of the big picture.  Reminds me of those optical illusion pictures - ya know, what do you see here- an old hag or beautiful woman.  Hmmm, something to mull over, I guess.  Thank you Zentangle, for not only being a creative outlet, but for reminding me that the small inner voice that I am often too busy or noisy to hear has some pretty poignant things to say.  Nuff said,  String Thing # 93, for your enjoyment. 

Friday, May 22, 2015

Diva Challenge Challenge #218

Another Challenge.  I just love black tiles.  Managed to squeeze a tiny bit of tangling into my very busy week.  I had meetings every night this week and got into bed really late every night this week.  I'm waiting for the day when I don't have to leave the house before 6:00 am every weekday to make my way to a job.  Sighhhh... Just think of all the time I'd have!  Weather was beautiful, spring flowers are coming up.  Last year in fall, I planted 1 tall phlox in the area I cleared out to start a garden.  I can scarcely believe my eyes -  there have to be at least 40 tall phlox blooming in that garden space.  I suspect they will take over if I let them.  Can any experienced gardeners offer some advice to this newbie?  At any rate,  enjoy the tangle.  Thanks Laura for posting these challenges.  You are the Diva, indeed. 

Saturday, May 16, 2015

It's A String Thing #92

Another week, another challenge.  Worked the String Thing challenge this week.  I wasn't really happy with my first go-round, the colored tile.  So again, this week did a second tile.  Regular tangle - black on white.Challenge was to use Chocobox, Kandy Ribbons, Butter,  & Caykz .  Kandy Ribbons is sort of a tangellation of Echoism.  As much as I have practiced, first Echoism and now Kandy Ribbons, I just can't seem to get the flow of the loops in these patterns.  Thinking about it, I beleive it's because I'm too structured - not great with letting the flow take me where it's going.  As I've always thought, I can be spontaneous as long as it's carefully planned!!  Maybe that's part of my Karma,  learn to let go and go with the flow.  And so as I float down the river of life, I will keep reminding myself - "You don't always have to be treading water or doing a stroke, sometimes it's might be nice to let go, keep your head above water and let the river take you."  Good thought for today.....

Friday, May 15, 2015

Diva Challenge #217

 Diva Challenge #217 was definitely a challenge for me.  Again, new tangles that I have never tried - not saying that's a bad thing.  On the contrary, it's so much fun learning new patterns.  I love both of these.  I, also, picked up some gel pens this week. Guess you get what you pay for because the ink just did not roll off the pen the way I hoped it would.  I think I'll repurpose this set to one of my nieces or nephews!  All in All, really enjoyed this challenge.  Thinking it is going to be a beautiful weekend.  Enjoy!!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

It's a String Thing #91

This week I submitted 2 entries for It's A String Thing - challenge 91.Did the black tile first, when I hadn't really gotten the hang of the new tangles.  Worked with them a little more and found I really liked all of them and definately will use them again. That's one of the things I really like about the challenges - they challenge me to step outside of my comfort zone and learn something new.  So as you can see, I'm still a work in progress. I love how tangling awakens the creative flow in my spirit.  Wierd how it awakens and also soothes me.  Thanks   Donna for pointing this unique and wonderful joy out to me!  Love you and Happy Mother's Day.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Diva Challenge #216

I loved this challenge as I, too, am a Star War  Geek.  Proud of it and have been for many years. Hmmm, I wonder how my oldest son happened to be named Luke?  Thanks for the challenge and the new pattern, Brella, that I will definitely add to my list of favorites.  I was so inspired by your Darth Vader string that I challenged myself to create a string from R2.  While I'm sure there are many artists more talented than I, I am tickled with the results.  This was a great diversion from the "fun" time that I spent in oral surgery last Friday having an infected tooth removed.  Star Wars vs. Oral Surgery -  not much of a contest!   May the Fourth be with all of you tanglers ---- always. 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

It's a string thing #90

Spent 1.5 hours in the dentist chair yesterday having a ginormous back molar  removed...infected to boot! So today I am forced to quiet yard work, cleaning, dancing, rock climbing, sky diving (ta ha, as if on those last couple activites)
guess I'll have to read, contemplate life, and tangle all day. Maxie is a little anxious so I'm throwing his ball from the couch as well. This is my 1st submission to a String Thing weekly challenge - #90. I just love learning new tangles.  Hooray for infected molars! You know what they say about life giving you lemons...this is some sweet lemonade!!

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Diva's Challenge - #215

What a Challenge this was.  Thanks, Diva, for all your inspirations.  I'm posting this one,
 even though, I'm not all that thrilled with the final work.  Since Monday, once I got a Labyrinth made, I have been scheming and brainstorming how to approach this.  Finally, ended up going to,   a really great site for new (to me) patterns and challenged myself to explore new patterns.  The Labryrinth is composed of LaBel, a pattern by Sue Jacobs, CZT. It's such a lovely pattern.  Then Beadlines by Margaret Bremner for the corners.  Still working on shading in general. So this is my rise to the challenge. Thanks again for taking me out of my comfort zone.  Onward and Upward!  As spring peeks it's shy little head out of winter's armpit, good things are coming are way.  Carpe Diem.   

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Diva Challenge #214....Amanda Day.

Well, it's been a beautiful week.  The weather is improving daily.  I spent most of last week working on getting patches of grass planted, just in time for it to start raining on Sunday.  The rain is welcome - keeps me from having to water those grass patches everyday.  So this week, I'm watching for those tiny little grass sprouts - still waiting.  In other news, a lot of the perennials that I planted last summer appear to be coming in.  I'm not the most accomplished gardener, having really just found the time for it in the last few years, but there is a wonderful sense of pride that comes with seeing your garden return and evolve.  The Diva's challenge this week couldn't have been better timed!  I used a 6" tile and decided to see what I could do with my personal calligraphy script that I started using (and that to has evolved) at least 10 years ago.  My 8th grade teacher, Ms. Betz, started me on a love of lettering more years ago than I care to count.  Also, got to use the new watercolor pencils I picked up.  All in all, I''m pretty happy with the results.  Thanks to all of you fellow Zentanglers for inspiration and support for this newbie.  It really is a wonderful life!!  Carpe Diem.
Side Note:  Wasn't intended, but the Shattuck pattern near the middle kind of reminds me of a heart.  What do you think?  Happy coincidence !!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here's how gotta catch em all started

Diva challenge
Here's the little guy I used to make a string.  Widely loved by all the kids in  my house.  Just recently we had a get together to welcome new baby, Lily, to the family.  Lily's daddy mentioned his Pokémon cards that filled so many hours in his and his friends lives.  Pulled them out and pulled out Pikachu.  Guess I need to take them with me the next time I go to visit. 

Gotta Catch Em All.


Weekly Challenge #213
Spent a lot of time this week raking and burning the fall and winter's accumulation of leaves.  So sadly, carpal tunnel in both hands is going bonkers as a result.  Started the diva challenge early on in the week, but a consequence of carpal tunnel, besides pain, numbness and tingling, is a crazy loss of control of your hands.  Sigh.  I'm just about done with major cleanup so looking forward to CT going back to dormant stage.  Hope it's soon or I may have to really reconsider surgery to fix them.  Such is life.  This is the best of strings from things that I found.  Inspired by Pikachu - ok with the results. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Working in the garden

Spent a large part of yesterday and most of the morning today raking and burning the leaves from my gardens.   Lot of it is done but there is still so much to do to prepare for spring and summer.  Working in the garden inspired me to try out a new tangle I saw, Flora, on Beez in the Belfrey.  Looked so pretty I decided the tangle needed a little color.  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Diva Challenge #212

I really love this tangle - So many options for fill.  Started with one and just had to do two.  Who knows - maybe I'll tangle yet another tonight.  Definitely going to use Fanz again - could say I'm a fan of Fanz - reminds me of the flowers that all of our April showers should bring.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Diva's weekly challenge #211

Took some tangling time after all the kids & guests had left. Most of the picking up done...notice I say most. Just had to take some me time. Looks like it's a twofer.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Learning about Shading

Sunday morning. Took a break from cleaning and church time to spend some time tangling.   Also, did read through a short tutorial on shading. Definitely a work in progress.  As always, I'm impatient with myself and think I should have this down from the start.  Time to cut yourself a little break and realize that this is a work in progress.  It's not the destination but the journey. 
Add caption

Friday Night challenge met- Diva's challenge #210

So here's my submission for the weekly challenge - Spiral String.  1st time for a spiral, 1st time posting to the Diva's blog

Monday, March 23, 2015

2nd star to the right and straight on 'till morning!!!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life.  I am embarking on a new adventure based on  my latest passion, zentangle. This is the total of my words for today. Max is very anxious to play, so I must go off to throw the squeaky ball for the hundredth time today.