Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Diva Challenge #251 - Moebius Syndrome

Diva Challenge #251
This week's challenge  spotlights Moebius Syndrome.  Artoo, the Diva's youngest son, has this medical syndrome and this challenge is taking place during an awareness week for the syndrome.  I feel, from her posts, that I know him even though we have never met.  Being a mother, myself, I know how challenging it is when your child is sick - just the common everyday illnesses are hard, I can't even begin to imagine the challenges that Laura and her family face and overcome.  This is a montangle of  Heart Rope.  The logo was freehanded by me - a little awkward, but it's the thoughts and kind wishes that make the tangle. With every stroke, I wished the Diva and her family good health and happiness.  There seems to be so much joy in their home - that will make the heaviest hardships light.