Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Diva Challenge#226

Greetings and thanks to the Diva's guest blogger, Katie Crommett, CZT.  Katie's challenge was to keep it simple.  As someone who tends to fill every inch of her tiles with patterns, this was indeed a challenge. I limited myself to 3 patterns, randomly picked.  Garlic cloves, Pepper and Chillon.  Tried my best to leave lots of white spaces - here's the end result.  Could have left more space.  Think I may give this challenge another go round later this week when I have less on my mind.  My mind's eye keeps picturing Australia - Sydney to be specific.   Never been there, but as my youngest should be landing there any time now for study abroad for the next 5 months.    I can't help but let my heart follow him there.  Hoping for the best, sending lots of good vibs and eagerly awaiting a message - Hey, Mom, I'm here safe and sound after 15 hour plane trip.  This one's for Matt. 
Thanks Diva, Katie for the diversion.


  1. Your blog name and your little tile stand are just awesome!

  2. beautiful tile, i like the shading

  3. Beautiful, soft and comforting. Sending good vibes to your son!

  4. A beautiful tile! Always hard when a child of yours is travelling and staying away so long.

  5. thank you all for sharing your thoughts! I am grateful!
