A Touch of Irish
Happy St. Patty's day to all. On this glorious day, we are all Irish. After a long hiatus from tangling, I am back. Projects for Mary's wedding - stamped Thank you cards and hand made envelopes, Wine bottle labels, wrapped Jordan Almonds - a traditional Italian wedding favor, various signage and a few other decorative accents - swallowed all of my free time in the last month. All are done, including the wedding. My only daughter has whisked away for a road trip type travel Honeymoon that will span the continent and last for 2 weeks. So back I fly to tangling!! Sorry to have abandoned you but never fear, my creative juices have been flowing. Here is my slightly rusty first tangle in several weeks. A St. Patty's day tribute of Zentangle gems. (Technique is still very much a work in progress) Per l'amaro e il dolce - for the bitter and the sweet.