Zendala Dare #115 at the Bright Owl
My second attempt at a Zendala and the first time I'm posting it to the challenge at the Bright Owl.
I have to admit a Zendala seemed like a huge challenge - I looked at the template for 2 days.
My thoughts - how can I possibly fill this template and have it not look incredibly busy. Slept on it and took a new look and had an Ah-hah moment. Sand cried out to me for the pointy spots.
The rest flowed from there. Fun, challenging and found an incredible Zen space of time while I was letting the tangles flow onto the paper. This challenge called for tangles starting with the letters T-H-A-N-K-S. I used Sand, Sand Swirl, Tipple. Tearce and Taghpolz. Thanks for putting this challenge out there.