What a Challenge this was. Thanks, Diva, for all your inspirations. I'm posting this one,
even though, I'm not all that thrilled with the final work. Since Monday, once I got a Labyrinth made, I have been scheming and brainstorming how to approach this. Finally, ended up going to TanglePatterns.com, a really great site for new (to me) patterns and challenged myself to explore new patterns. The Labryrinth is composed of LaBel, a pattern by Sue Jacobs, CZT. It's such a lovely pattern. Then Beadlines by Margaret Bremner for the corners. Still working on shading in general. So this is my rise to the challenge. Thanks again for taking me out of my comfort zone. Onward and Upward! As spring peeks it's shy little head out of winter's armpit, good things are coming are way. Carpe Diem.