Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Diva's Challenge - #215

What a Challenge this was.  Thanks, Diva, for all your inspirations.  I'm posting this one,
 even though, I'm not all that thrilled with the final work.  Since Monday, once I got a Labyrinth made, I have been scheming and brainstorming how to approach this.  Finally, ended up going to,   a really great site for new (to me) patterns and challenged myself to explore new patterns.  The Labryrinth is composed of LaBel, a pattern by Sue Jacobs, CZT. It's such a lovely pattern.  Then Beadlines by Margaret Bremner for the corners.  Still working on shading in general. So this is my rise to the challenge. Thanks again for taking me out of my comfort zone.  Onward and Upward!  As spring peeks it's shy little head out of winter's armpit, good things are coming are way.  Carpe Diem.   

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Diva Challenge #214....Amanda Day.

Well, it's been a beautiful week.  The weather is improving daily.  I spent most of last week working on getting patches of grass planted, just in time for it to start raining on Sunday.  The rain is welcome - keeps me from having to water those grass patches everyday.  So this week, I'm watching for those tiny little grass sprouts - still waiting.  In other news, a lot of the perennials that I planted last summer appear to be coming in.  I'm not the most accomplished gardener, having really just found the time for it in the last few years, but there is a wonderful sense of pride that comes with seeing your garden return and evolve.  The Diva's challenge this week couldn't have been better timed!  I used a 6" tile and decided to see what I could do with my personal calligraphy script that I started using (and that to has evolved) at least 10 years ago.  My 8th grade teacher, Ms. Betz, started me on a love of lettering more years ago than I care to count.  Also, got to use the new watercolor pencils I picked up.  All in all, I''m pretty happy with the results.  Thanks to all of you fellow Zentanglers for inspiration and support for this newbie.  It really is a wonderful life!!  Carpe Diem.
Side Note:  Wasn't intended, but the Shattuck pattern near the middle kind of reminds me of a heart.  What do you think?  Happy coincidence !!

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Here's how gotta catch em all started

Diva challenge
Here's the little guy I used to make a string.  Widely loved by all the kids in  my house.  Just recently we had a get together to welcome new baby, Lily, to the family.  Lily's daddy mentioned his Pokémon cards that filled so many hours in his and his friends lives.  Pulled them out and pulled out Pikachu.  Guess I need to take them with me the next time I go to visit. 

Gotta Catch Em All.


Weekly Challenge #213
Spent a lot of time this week raking and burning the fall and winter's accumulation of leaves.  So sadly, carpal tunnel in both hands is going bonkers as a result.  Started the diva challenge early on in the week, but a consequence of carpal tunnel, besides pain, numbness and tingling, is a crazy loss of control of your hands.  Sigh.  I'm just about done with major cleanup so looking forward to CT going back to dormant stage.  Hope it's soon or I may have to really reconsider surgery to fix them.  Such is life.  This is the best of strings from things that I found.  Inspired by Pikachu - ok with the results. 

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Working in the garden

Spent a large part of yesterday and most of the morning today raking and burning the leaves from my gardens.   Lot of it is done but there is still so much to do to prepare for spring and summer.  Working in the garden inspired me to try out a new tangle I saw, Flora, on Beez in the Belfrey.  Looked so pretty I decided the tangle needed a little color.  

Friday, April 10, 2015

Diva Challenge #212

I really love this tangle - So many options for fill.  Started with one and just had to do two.  Who knows - maybe I'll tangle yet another tonight.  Definitely going to use Fanz again - could say I'm a fan of Fanz - reminds me of the flowers that all of our April showers should bring.  

Monday, April 6, 2015

Diva's weekly challenge #211

Took some tangling time after all the kids & guests had left. Most of the picking up done...notice I say most. Just had to take some me time. Looks like it's a twofer.